The conference took place from 24 to 27 June 2019 in Beijing. Presentations are now available.
The partners participated in the Conference "Analyzing and Designing Policies and Markets for Large-Scale Utilization of Renewable Energy Sources" which was jointly organised by Beihang University, the Society for International Cooperation (Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GIZ) and the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research (Fraunhofer ISI) in Beijing.
The Conference took place from 24 June 2019 to 27 June 2019.
The Conference agenda and presentations are now available.
Opening Ceremony (LV Ying, BUAA; Wolfgang EICHHAMMER, Fraunhofer ISI; YIN Yuxia, GIZ; LI Weiyang, SGCERI)
Panel discussion: Which Role for Demand Response for the Integration of Renewable Energy Sources and How to best Organise DR (Panelists: Marian KLOBASA, Fraunhofer ISI; DONG Jun, NCEPU; LI Mingquan, BUAA; XIE Baichen, TJU)
Panel discussion: The Business Perspective for Promoting Demand Response and Energy Efficiency Improvement Synergetically by Learning Networks (Panelists: YAN Huaguang, CEPRI; LUN Liyong, CIECC; Dirk KOEWENER, LEEN GmbH; Marian KLOBASA, Fraunhofer ISI)
Welcome to Workshop 2 (FAN Ying, BUAA; Wolfgang EICHHAMMER, Fraunhofer ISI; YIN Yuxia, GIZ)
Panel discussion: Long-term Scenarios for Renewables - Which Implications for Policies? (Panelists: Benjamin PFLUGER, Frank SENSFUSS, Fraunhofer ISI; YUAN Jiahai, NCEPU; HAN Xue, ERI)
Temporally and Spatially High-resolution Energy System Engineering Modelling and Application (LIU Pei, Tsinghua University)
Welcome to Workshop 3 (FAN Ying, BUAA; Wolfgang EICHHAMMER, Fraunhofer ISI; YIN Yuxia, GIZ)
Status of Electricity
Market Reforms in China: Are they Adequate to Cope with Large Shares of
Renewables (KANG Xiaowen, ERI)
Impact of Variable Renewable
Integration on the Power System: a Case Study of Guangdong Province under Electricity
Market Transition in China (ZHU Lei, BUAA)
Key Issues of China’s
Renewable Energy Participation in Electricity Market (MA Li, SGERI)
Panel discussion: Which Reforms of Electricity Markets are Needed
to Integrate Large Shares of Renewables. Similitudes and Differences between
China and Germany/Europe (Panelists: Jenny WINKLER, Frank
SENSFUSS, Fraunhofer ISI; KANG Xiaowen, ERI; MA Li, SGERI; ZHU Lei, BUAA)
Achieving Grid Parity of
Wind and Solar PV Power in China - Present Levelized Cost of Electricity and
Future Evolution (TU Qiang, Tianjin
University of Finance & Economics)
Panel discussion: Which RES Policies are Necessary to Reach 100% Renewables
in the Power Mix? (Panelists: Jenny WINKLER, Ben
PFLUGER, Fraunhofer ISI; WANG Jixue, CREEI; TU Qiang, TUFE)
A fourth workshop on the topics of greening industry parks, energy
efficiency networks and demand response was organized by the National Energy
Conservation Center of NDRC (NECC), GIZ and Fraunhofer ISI on June 28. Further information and the presentations of this workshop can be found on the following website: