会议于2019年6月24日至27日在北京举行。 报告PPT可供下载。

Participants of the expert workshop.
Participants of the expert workshop.

合作伙伴参加了由北京航空航天大学,德国国际合作协会(Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GIZ)和德国弗劳恩霍夫系统与工程研究所(Fraunhofer ISI) 在北京联合举办的“ 促进可再生能源大规模利用的政策与市场”会议。



研讨会 1 ( 6 月 25 日):基于学习网络的需求灵活性和能效组合概念

Session I: Opening Ceremony (Chair: FAN Ying)

Opening Ceremony (LV Ying, BUAA; Wolfgang EICHHAMMER, Fraunhofer ISI; YIN Yuxia, GIZ; LI Weiyang, SGCERI)

Session II: Keynote Speech (Chair: FAN Ying)

Session III: Demand Response and Sector Coupling (Chair: Marian KLOBASA, Fraunhofer ISI)

Session IV: Learning Energy Efficiency Networks as an Instrument to Promote (Chair: Wolfgang EICHHAMMER, Fraunhofer ISI)

Panel discussion: The Business Perspective for Promoting Demand Response and Energy Efficiency Improvement Synergetically by Learning Networks (Panelists: YAN Huaguang, CEPRI; LUN Liyong, CIECC; Dirk KOEWENER, LEEN GmbH; Marian KLOBASA, Fraunhofer ISI)

研讨会 2 ( 6 月 26 日): 2050 年的 RES 情景

Session I: Scenarios for High Renewables Shares in China and Europe (Chair: YI Bowen, BUAA)

Session II: Progress in Analytical Tools for Modelling High Shares of Renewables (Chair: Benjamin Pfluger, Fraunhofer ISI)

研讨会 3 ( 6 月 27 日):电力市场和可再生能源政策

Session I: Renewables and Future Electricity Markets (Chair: YU Yang, Tsinghua)

Welcome to Workshop 3 (FAN Ying, BUAA; Wolfgang EICHHAMMER, Fraunhofer ISI; YIN Yuxia, GIZ)

Status of Electricity Market Reforms in China: Are they Adequate to Cope with Large Shares of Renewables (KANG Xiaowen, ERI)

Impact of Variable Renewable Integration on the Power System: a Case Study of Guangdong Province under Electricity Market Transition in China (ZHU Lei, BUAA)

Key Issues of China’s Renewable Energy Participation in Electricity Market (MA Li, SGERI)

Panel discussion: Which Reforms of Electricity Markets are Needed to Integrate Large Shares of Renewables. Similitudes and Differences between China and Germany/Europe (Panelists: Jenny WINKLER, Frank SENSFUSS, Fraunhofer ISI; KANG Xiaowen, ERI; MA Li, SGERI; ZHU Lei, BUAA)

Session II: Renewable Energy Policies for Mainstream Renewables (Chair: Wolfgang EICHHAMMER)

Achieving Grid Parity of Wind and Solar PV Power in China - Present Levelized Cost of Electricity and Future Evolution (TU Qiang, Tianjin University of Finance & Economics)

Panel discussion: Which RES Policies are Necessary to Reach 100% Renewables in the Power Mix? (Panelists: Jenny WINKLER, Ben PFLUGER, Fraunhofer ISI; WANG Jixue, CREEI; TU Qiang, TUFE)



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